
L’École des Beaux-Arts de Reims was created in 1748, under the guidance of Louis-Jean Levesque de Pouilly to “shed light on the industry”. Set up in a wing of what is now the Town Hall, the students studied surrounded by works by Cranach, Dürer, Lebrun, Poussin, Rubens… all from the personal collection of the director, Mr. Ferrand de Monthelon, which was donated to the Fine Arts Museum of the City, created in 1794. Renamed the ESAD in 1992, the current establishment continues within this direct line of descent and still gives the same importance to the relation between Art and its social and economic environment.

The School has been an EPCC (a Public Establishment of Cultural Cooperation) since the 1st of January 2011. The founding members are the City of Reims, the State, the Region of Champagne Ardennes and the Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA). The ESAD is also a founding member of the “University of Champagne” Comué which groups together seven establishments in the Region Champagne Ardenne, and the Association des Ecoles Supérieures d’Art du Grand Est (the association of Higher Education Art Schools in the Grand East).

Different decision making bodies ensure the correct functioning of the public establishment in relation to its administrative and pedagogical aspects, and also ensure a regular evaluation of its results.

The administrative counsel of the EPCC manages the establishment independently. It brings together representatives of the founding members, public sponsors and supervisors, qualified leading figures in the sector, representatives of the teachers, administrative personnel and students of the ESAD..

The Pedagogical and Student Life Council brings together student representatives, students, administrative and technical personnel, as well as qualified leading figures. It convenes twice a year to study the global pedagogical aims and to validate the research axes. The four pedagogical poles (art, theory, design, graphic design) meet twice a year to collectively evaluate the functioning of the disciplines and the options.

The Scientific and Research Council organises the research activities of the establishment. It is made up of teachers and university partners involved in these three following axes (previously established) : art, object design and graphic design. The qualified leading figures are Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Senior Lecturer from the Institut Mines Télécom; Jacinto Lageira, Senior Lecturer  and art critic, and Olivier Peyricot, Designer.

Student delegates from the first to the sixth year are elected in the month of October.

The courses are evaluated by the students at the end of each term. The results are shown to the Pedagogical and Student Life Council which takes the necessary actions for improvements.

The Students Office (BDE or Bureau des Étudiants) is a student’s association which organises parties for students, acquires new material, and is also responsible for a part of the promotion of the school and its production.

La Sauce is an association managed by students in food design whose aim is to promote the activities of this workshop to the public and partners.

