The academic and institutional partners
Municipal and community services
The ESAD, an old municipal service of the City of Reims, has a privileged relationship with different services such as the Direction des Espaces Verts, la Direction du Développement Economique et de l’Enseignement Supérieur, la Direction de la Culture ou de la Communication. In this way every year closed competitions allow an ESAD student to make the Happy New Year card for Reims Metropole and for groups to work on the urban equipment and environment.

L’Université de Champagne
A member of the ComuE Université de Champagne, the ESAD Reims participates fully in the regional activity of higher education. Different projects in relation to student life and research bring together the ESAD teams with six establishments of which the main ones are the Université Reims Champagne Ardenne and the Université de Technologie de Troyes.

Les Écoles Supérieures d’Art du Grand Est, le CNAC, l’IIM
The ESAD is the co-founder of the Association des Ecoles Supérieures d’Art du Grand-Est which regroups establishments from the Region ACAL : La Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin (Strasbourg Mulhouse), l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art de Lorraine (Epinal, Metz), and l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Nancy. These public higher education institutions guarantee the same standard of education, reward the same degrees, and reunite one thousand four hundred students in the options of art, design and communication. A network and united activity are built around the professionalisation of students, continued training, international relations and research. Shared pedagogical projects are the Festival Art Vidéo du Grand Est, du Bureau du Dessin, or annual workshops. A privileged relationship exists with other higher education establishments of the Ministère de la Culture : le Centre National des Arts du Cirque de Chalons and l’Institut International de la Marionnette de Charleville-Mézières ; the partnerships are based on research, exchanging teachers and multi disciplinary projects.
L’Institut Mines Telecom
A privileged partner of graphic and digital design, and its research programme, the Institut Mines Telecom regroups a network of ten “grandes écoles” of engineers and managers. This public establishment that is dedicated to innovation, in the domains of engineering and digital technology, is under the supervision of government ministries in charge of Industry and Digital Technology. Open and receptive to the business world, it combines a strong academic legitimacy, a real proximity to businesses and a unique positioning on four of the major changes of the 21st century : Digital, Energy, Ecology and Industry. Different programmes bring together ESAD Master students with engineers and managers from Telecom Paris sud and Telecom Paris Tech.
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L’Université François Rabelais de Tours
The Université François Rabelais de Tours is the key partner for Food Design, from the Master Cultures de l’alimentation, from the research laboratory L’Equipe Alimentation (LEA) and the Unesco Chair. The exchange is in pedagogy and research, since its teachers complete the historical and ethnological aspect of the education in Reims, and participate in the scientific committees that define the research and the scientific banquets that are organised by the ESAD.
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The ESAD is a member of the ANdEA (Association Nationale des Ecoles d’Art- National Art schools association) and the worldwide network of design education CUMULUS. In this way, the establishment is at the forefront of reflexion on the evolution of Schools in the context of societal and institutional changes and also changes in higher education (Master, doctorate, independence, research…).
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